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Words from Chairman, Marlan Gary

Welcome to Buckeye State Funeral Directors and Embalmers Association (BSFDEA).

For many decades, BSFDEA has aimed to promote excellence among funeral professionals in Ohio. This has been done by educating individuals, providing resources and enforcing ethical practices among its professionals. BSFDEA members faithfully serve families throughout the State of Ohio.


We encourage you to become an active part of our Association.  The membership form can be completed online or downloaded; and as a convenience, you may also pay dues right on this site.


We also invite you to attend our meetings and conventions.  We want to hear from you.




Marlan J. Gary

Chairman of the Board/District IV Governor

Our Misson

The mission of the Buckeye State Funeral Directors and Embalmers Association is to support our members in the areas of education, information, programs, and services in order for funeral directors and embalmers to provide high quality professional services to families.


Our History

NFD&MA is a membership association of professional funeral directors and morticians and embalmers, whose members and members-at-large are also members of state associations of funeral directors, morticians and embalmers dedicated to promoting the common professional and business interests of its members.   Read More...

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